
Let’s review real life scenarios where we could use mā.

When you turn up to work for a meeting and want to greet all your colleagues/friends at once, how would you greet them?
  • Tēnā koe, e hoa
  • Kia ora tama mā
  • Tēnā koutou, e hoa mā
  • Kia ora, e hine

If you're a teacher, how would you greet the kids when you enter the room?
  • Tēnā koutou, e hine mā
  • Kia ora, e tama
  • Tēnā koe, tamariki mā
  • Tēnā koutou, tamariki mā

If you're a coach of an all boys sport team, whats the appropriate way to greet them?
  • Kia ora, tama mā
  • Tēnā koutou, e tama mā
  • Tēnā koe, e tama
  • Tēnā koutou, tamariki mā

How would you ask a group of friends (boys only) how they are?
  • Tēnā koutou, e kare mā
  • Kei te pēhea koutou, e tama mā?
  • Kei te pēhea koutou, e hine mā?
  • Tēnā koutou, e hoa mā

How would you greet a group of girls?
  • Tēnā koe, e hine
  • Tēnā koutou, e tama mā
  • Tēnā koutou, e hine mā

How would you greet one girl?
  • Tēnā koe, e hine
  • Tēnā koutou, e kui mā

How would you greet a close friend?
  • Tēnā koe, e hine
  • Tēnā koutou, e kui mā
  • Tēnā koe, e kare
  • Kia ora, e hoa mā

You've been for a 10km run and a friend asks, 'Kei te pēhea koe, e hoa?' How would you respond to say you're exhausted?
  • Kei te ngenge
  • Kua pau te hau
  • Kei te hiakai

What word is used as a general rule of thumb to include others in a sentence?
  • me
  • e
  • a

When using 'mā' to include others in a sentence, where is 'mā' usually placed?
  • Before the term of address
  • After the term of address



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