

How would you say 'The child has a dog' in Māori?
  • He kāmera tā Hine
  • He kurī tā te tamaiti
  • He āporo tā Hone

How would you say 'They have a boat' in Māori?
  • He poti tō rāua
  • He whare tō Oranga
  • He waka tō Pita

How would you say 'My parents have a new farm' in Māori?
  • He ipu tā Pare
  • He tarau roa tō rāua
  • He pāmu hou tā aku mātua

How would you say 'We have a TV' in Māori?
  • He pouaka whakaata tā mātou
  • He paoka tā Maria
  • He poti tō Mere

How would you say 'Māia has dirty shoes' in Māori?
  • He paraikete tā Pani
  • He hū paruparu ō Māia
  • He kānara tā Paora

How would you say 'Tāmati has some money' in Māori?
  • He moni ā Tāmati
  • He pēpi tā Kereopa
  • He pene ā Tuara

How would you say 'They have older sisters' in Māori?
  • He pukapuka ā ngā tamariki
  • He wai tō Hana
  • He tuakana ō rātou


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